HAPPINESS is one thing we all want at the end of the day.All our struggles/hustles of life all gears towards been happy and comfortable.We need to to be happy and most of us can do anything so they live happiness even if its a crime,i mean we are willing to do anything,But we often get it wrong and we look for happiness in wrong places .
The whole essence of our hard work is to make ourselves happy right?. Yes happiness is paramount and we all crave for those things that makes us happy.
But at the end of the day, every one needs different things to make themselves happy and comfortable. What makes Mr A comfortable and happy doesn't make Miss B happy and comfortable, that's the world we have to
Man can do anything to feel happy with himself and he also can go any length to get. And some has ended us in bad situations, regrettable events, crime, sin, etc.
Some has resulted to taking hard drugs to feel valuable, happy, strong etc while some take drugs to not to feel the pain in front of them, some to forget the bad situations but whatever the reasons might be does it really justify our actions? You should be the judge of that.
It is said that too much of everything is bad. While we seek for happiness with the things we think is right, as time goes on we become addicts to them and our lives and whole being depends on that to be happy. When the things that makes you happy are not within your reach you become desperate and gets sick and some die because it's become part of there body system.You should be addicted with yourself by shutting out the hurt and prove to the world that you can make yourself happy even though you are facing crisis.That's if your reason for not been genuinely happy is because of your past,hurt/pain.
We make the mistakes of thinking our happiness comes from stuff we can acquire but we get it all wrong. When you trust your happiness in the stuff you have or want to have and one day those stuffs are not there, what then happens. Or what if you can't get the stuffs that you think can make you happy?. Instead of looking inwards and trying to resolve the things that has taking away your happiness ,you resolve to doing something you will one day regret.Who can actually make you if not you,some are afraid of there past,they refuse to face it head on and turn to bad substance that can harm the body in along run.These are the things most people consider when they are afraid to face life.
3).Taking Drugs
6). Lifestyle(Living a particular way or behaving a particular way. Etc.
When someone tries to tell us what's right,where true happiness lies we tend to refuse and shun any opinions especially for those that has given up on themselves and turned to taking something to feel better. Nobody is judging you, nobody can tell you what to do, nobody can live your life for you,only you can actually. You can decide today to seek true and genuine happiness and not depend on stuffs for happiness.Some of us make no effort in been happy again and yet we blame life for where we are now,really who is to be blame for the stuff you are passing through,do they have ears to hear your daily grumbling.murmuring,and complains,they do not.Only you can hear yourself and proffer solutions to your crisis.Everyone faces crisis at a point in life but will that define them,will that be a reason not to be happy? Absolutely not.Even when friends and family tries to encourage us,motivate and inspire us,we do not see or accept that into our system,we rather shut everyone out and prefer staying alone and staying negative.There are positive things around us but some of us do not see it because we are fully of negativity and that is why we've remained where we are,garbage in garbage out.If you see positive around you all the time,automatically positive things begin to come your way and vice versa.We should talk to ourselves and at the same time be the judge since no one knows your pain or knows what you've been through ,then only you can decide to be happy again.
Does true happiness come from the things we take in or the thing that are already in ..
In our quest for happiness and comfort-ability, we pass through so many harsh situations and face the worst things that life has to offer and we shift from those things that actually can bring happiness to the stuff that can give you a moment of happiness and take away your sanity and soul. How can we be comfortable when all we face is the same bad things over and over again we ask.When we have lost our source of happiness, how then do we find our way back to true happiness we say.
Who knows what will happen to us in the next second or day, who knows if that thing that gives us Ultimate happiness may not be there within a twinkle of an eye. Really no one knows but we can't stop it, neither can we regret and punish ourselves for the things that has happened to us for the rest of our life. Bad things happen and so what, i am still gonna find my way back to happiness, worst maybe come my way and so what I am still gonna fight for my sanity and be happy no matter what.
Happiness is yours and yours alone, only you can decide to be happy or not. If you put your life on hold based on what happened, it's gonna keep growing until you hate yourself and no longer want to stay alive but the world will move on even if you stay down or you move along with the world and be happy every time and everyday of your life.
HAPPINESS is an art that can be learned. Instead of sitting around waiting for joy to descend upon you or searching for fulfillment in all the wrong places, consider how you can incorporate these keys to true sustainable happiness into your life. 1. Authenticity. You are a once-in-humankind event . it's been okay with yourself and excited and appreciative for the people you have around you, for whom you are, and where you are going among all odds. Happiness is satisfaction,contentment,they are all related. It is when you don't appreciate the people you have in your life, you don't value yourself, you don't have a clear vision of yourself tomorrow that you begin to doubt your self and refuse to be happy. There is always a reason to be happy and many of don't see that, that is why we want to have the world in order to be happy. See greatness in your self and let happiness spring up from the inside out.There are thousand reasons you have to be grateful for because its when you are ungrateful that you do not see the great things happening in your life.For the mere fact that you are still alive today means you have a chance to achieve your purpose and dreams.Open your eyes up and minds too,don't shut it and see a bright future ahead of you if only you would rise from the dirt and take a stand to fight for makes you happy.
Don't allow anyone or anything steal your happiness and comfort from you. You and you alone can make you self happy and the end of the day not the thing you take inside. Believe in yourself, love yourself, believe in the people around you and appreciate them, and trust in your tomorrow because it will be alright.
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