There is local parable that says No single person on earth that is given a sugar on its mouth will spit it out i.e Nobody that is given a good thing rejects it, in other words every one likes good things. We all love it.
Talking about success, it's good to be successful, you can see the amount of respect the successful people in our society /community or family command. Successful people are treated differently as if they are special breed, Some are literally worshiped as if they are no longer human beings because of something extra they did. I don't blame any one for been successful,it takes alot to be successful. Most of us even begin to jealous and envy successful people because we do not have the things they have and instead of accepting that they are higher than us, we begin to hate them. It's not there fault that they are successful. Infact they deserve all amount of respect possible.
I like the way successful people live their lives, they live it with difference and dedication, with all there strength and passion. Go to the society today, there are very few successful men or women out there, while we all Have equal opportunities and time.When I talk about success, I mean sucess not riches,ANYBODY CAN BE RICH, BUT NOT ANY BODY CAN BE SUCCESSFUL. There is a huge gap between the successful and the rich. For example riches can be acquired over night but not success. Successful people are people that understand what life is all about, they know how to play along and make a fulfilled life.
SUCCESS is gradual, it takes time, it takes energy, power, will, patience, money, risk,,it doesn't come to lazy people. For instance a man can just go out a steal a huge amount of money, by financial status he is a rich man right? Not minding the way he got the money. But success can not be given to you,it cannot be stolen, it cannot be bought, it is what you learn over time, how you figure out the opportunities in front of you. It's starting small hoping to grow up tomorrow.
Most people wait for success to come from heaven like manners (food of angels).,its isn't possible, those successful people you see today didn't started small but grew over time, they passed through hell and out, some many obstacles came their way bit they overcame, so many discouragement but they persisted because they knew success starts from the heart and with continuity. Every body is born rich but not everybody is born successful, in the sense that we are all rich in our minds, but what makes us unique is discovering how to be different from the rest. How to be more comfortable. How to be happier and how to make life easy for yourself. How to rest and let you achievements put food on your table..
Its a food for thought 💠to us. Successful is continuing failing and failing and fail again until you get it right, you owe it to yourself. Success is applauding yourself even when know one applauds you. Success is overcome obstacles, Success is gotten the moment you know whom you are, and that is obtainable. Nobody is born successful but we grow to be successful.
I encourage us, instead of hating successful people, hate your self for not putting enough energy ⚡, Instead of serving successful people, Why not be successful and be served. That classic cars you see them riding, started from a bicycle. That mansion started from hood (sloom). That designers cloths started from wearing rags. What matters is our mind set, try to change it before any other thing.

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