LIFE has given everyone the same time, that's 24hrs in a day.7days in a week,12 months in a year. We all have equal time. We all have equal opportunities and chances. Some say some people are less privileged but that ain't true, the problem is the ability to discern which is opportunity.WE ARE ALL BORN RICH!!. Nobody is born with more value or worth or greater importance than the other. I know it sounds crazy that I said we are all born rich. Well if you are trying to comprehend that, just know that I am saying We are born rich through our minds. It doesn't matter if it's a Golden spoon or silver spoon or even a rubber or wooden spoon you are born with.,what matters is are you renewed in your thinking?. That way you can said to be rich in the mind.
I know some would say of need is it to be rich in the mind and poor physically,a sound mind that impacts and touch many lives is better than a rich man that has nothing to offer(that by the way).
The whole world is waiting on us to succeed,our nation is waiting on us to make it,our immediate community is waiting on us to make it,our family depends on our success.And the most important thing is that we owe them all.I do not owe my family alone,the whole world deserve to be happy through me and if i fail them i should be blame and its all my fault.The world owes you nothing but rather you owe the world everything...

So what step are we taking to ensure that we create a legacy and our history is written the heart of generations to come.Instead of waiting to see what the world can do for you,get up and look for a way to make a difference.The world needs people like me and you,that thinks not only for there selves and families but for the world at large.What other purpose where we created if not to help humanity in any possible way we can.
I can not go on crying and grumbling about the state i am now,Note:I CAN NOT GO ON BEEN SCARED WHILE I KNOW PEOPLE ARE IN NEED OF ME OUT THERE#,how long would i complain,#nobody wants to hear my complains,all they wanna know is i succeed.#Nobody cares how long you have come,they care your present state.#People that are worse than i am,have made history in a positive way,people that are even handicapped have had breakthroughs.There have been people with no sight and i sit down here and complain.People that are in prison have made it while in chains and all i do is sit down and give up.I can go on and on and on ,people have been in worse situations in life than we will ever be and still write there name in the rock of history
WHAT WOULD PEOPLE REMEMBER YOU FOR? Ask yourself this question and then you will know you owe the world,Please be honest to yourself do you really you were created just for yourself alone?. No you are not,your purpose is the make the closest person to happy and then reach out to rest.Its now or never,the journey of a thousand mile starts with a step forward .Start the journey to a fulfilled life today.Everyone is waiting on you
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great article
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