Saturday, 25 June 2016


                                 MORNING JINGLE / GOOD MORNING

1).Morning brings up a new beginning and it refreshes you

2).Morning brings Absolute rest and calmness

3).Morning brings about peace

4).Morning brings Joy,no wonder the bible says Joy comes in the morning

5).Morning is the best period of the day

6).Morning is period of the in which our brain is so active that it can process and assimilate most      things that comes into it

7).Our strength replenishes in the morning,we become stronger and fit

8).Most people are very optimistic and very positive in the morning

9).Morning is attributed to good moments unlike night

10).Morning determines how the rest of the day is gonna look like

So use your morning well,remove stress and shake off the stress and start your morning on a good note.Free your mind and remove the worries and start with a positive mindset.Do not start your day with all the problem you have ,feel free and feel as if you have no problem in the world.When you feel happy and plan out how your day is going to be then everything will fall in place

   ......................  FEEL FREE,BE HAPPY.....................GOOD MORNING 

Friday, 24 June 2016


             Image result for motivation
Talking about motivation,yes the very name of the blog. Motivation is a word that is very dear to me because all through my life, i have sort for a medium to motivate my self.You know, when i was growing up,i didn't get the chance of going to church although i am a Christian not to talk of reading books.I just lived life with no concern of how my tomorrow will be,I had no vision for tomorrow  and so i sort for way to get motivated.And i end up going to church and getting close to GOD and that began my journey to success.When i encountered God my eyes opened,yeah as it was in the bible about when Adam and Eve ate the fruit,but this was positively not negatively.My life changed right from that period,i didn't know i have been in darkness for longtime unknowing to me.But GOD changed my orientation and my believe system.I had hope for a better future for the first time in my life.
After so many years in the church ,i was very happy with my new personality and all that is happening around me,but something was still wrong somewhere,in the sense that the church i was going at that moment didn't talk about financial success and i needed it.Because its one thing to be a Christian and its another to be a rich Christian .Most churches dodge preaching financial topics because they feel money is a sin,as a result i wanted answers because i wanted financial freedom.So,as time went on i started asking questions about financial freedom right there in the church  but my pastor knew little or no knowledge about money.I began to worry and continue my inquiry and because of my various questions,i was given a name by the church and by my friends.They call me a man that wants to be wealthy and make a difference,when i talk about money to them,they sometimes wonder if i am truly a Christian or if the love of money has carried me away.Then i started point out bible verses about money and that God wants everybody  to be wealthy not just rich.I am happy to say that,at the end of the day the church started getting the idea that money is not a sin but in the cause of looking for money  one can commit sin.
Some of us as Christians while in the church, hear the pastor preach every day and those that are of other religions too, we hear our religious leaders speak every now and then,they inspire us.Some of us have great friend that gives us great advice's and some of us have great parents that teach us the way to go and be successful too. We now have mentors that have succeeded and we want to be like them,we imitate them and copy there life style. Isn't it great that the whole wide world is full of inspiration, we just can't get enough of inspiration.Every single day, a new motivational speakers come up and talk to us, all to make us succeed right?. Yeah right

                                               QUEST TO FINANCIAL UNDERSTANDING
I sort  for other forms of motivation apart from the one i hear in church,i wanted financial freedom at all cost,i wanted financial advice and understanding,i wanted a different story from the one i hear regularly.I wanted to hear from people that has made it in life but i am not saying churches does not teach about financial success,in fact the first financial success speech i heard was from a pastor of another church,i was surprised as anything you could think of,that a pastor would talk about financial freedom the way he did with verses backing it up.That was when my last eye opened and i became very hungry for financial liberty.NOTE:why do i say financial freedom? its because when you do not have money,you become a slave to it,it tells how to spend,when and it controls you and may even get you in trouble.That is why i said if we die poor its a sin,i am not saying that all poor people are sinners but if you die poor without causing a little or huge impact in your surrounding then its a shame.So my quest to financial understanding opened when i heard the pastor speak,i was happy with my self from that day on.And as time went by i started reading some other motivational books and listened to some other motivational speakers apart from my pastor.So official i had my first financial freedom speech,it was a great deal to me.
                                             MOTIVATION IS EVERYWHERE
There are thousands and millions of books on how to get inspired in other to make it in life, if not billions of books even.Books are been published every time, articles here and there, audio speeches, live conferences are been held just to make us grow and be enlightened right. Reality TV shows,talk shows are virtually every where are now the trend in the our society today, just to make it feel real and to connect it the viewers more.We can't really measure the amount of inspiration we get per minute in a day.I mean some of us have children that are there always to support us and encourage us, isn't that an inspiration and motivation to work harder.Some of us have loving partners  that is ready to pass through anything to make us happy, that is also motivation. Motivation and encouragement is everywhere and in surplus.

 But have we tried to ask our selves this question ❓.. We get enough motivation and inspiration from people all over the world, why then ain't we satisfied we it and why ain't we successful yet?. There are thousands of tips on how to be successful in life by thousands of great people that has made it in life, they are practical examples of great people and they tell us what made them successful but most of us upon hearing this isn't successful still, why is that so?. Have we sat down to answer this question ❓. If no,pause now and try to answer it before you continue.
We all want people that has been successful in life to be our mentors and they are the ones we listen to, most  of us even copy every thing about these people we look up to, I am not saying there is anything wrong with that though.Do not get me wrong, I also have people I look up to and want to be successful as they are but there is something missing somewhere because we have followed there instructions and tips on how to get successful all to no avail, instead they get richer and richer and produce more TV show and we continue watching and God forbid, we continue been a fan til the day we die.
Most of us are great readers, we have read all whole lot of books in our life time, we have had friends that has been successful, but what is happening to us, why ain't we successful as they are.
In other words, motivational speeches and tips on how to be successful and so on and so forth, has made a lot of people successful really, yes it has created and produced great men and women and thanks to those motivational material they where exposed to. Now, why are some successful and some are not successful on getting exposed to the same materials.Do you know why?.
The answer is because they are not hungry for success!!!. Funny right?... No matter the amount of books you read in your life time, no matter the amount of conference you go, no matter the amount of successful people you surround yourself with, no matter the kind of religion you practice, no matter your background, no matter the amount of advice and support you get, if you are not hungry for success, it will not work, you will continue been a fan to those you have read there books and heard them speak and you will continue been in the audience when you go to a Talk show. Some people hears a word for just one time and they make a fortune out of it and some hears the same word every day and nothing changes. What I am saying in a nut shell, is if you do not put it on your veins and blood stream then success is far.Let what you have read overwhelm you, let your hunger for success take control, let passion for greatness lead the way, let you dream dictate. It's one thing to believe and another to believe and act upon what you believe.


 The answer is because they are not hungry for success!!!. Funny right?... No matter the amount of books you read in your life time, no matter the amount of conference you go, no matter the amount of successful people you surround yourself with, no matter the kind of religion you practice, no matter your background, no matter the amount of advice and support you get, if you are not hungry for success, it will not work, you will continue been a fan to those you have read there books and heard them speak and you will continue been in the audience when you go to a Talk show. Some people hears a word for just one time and they make a fortune out of it and some hears the same word every day and nothing changes. What I am saying in a nut shell, is if you do not put it on your veins and blood stream then success is far.Let what you have read overwhelm you, let your hunger for success take control, let passion for greatness lead the way, let you dream dictate. It's one thing to believe and another to believe and act upon what you believe.An advice to your self, is the best advice you can ever get, when you are the one that motivates yourself then the sky will be your starting point. The problem is most of us wait to hear from motivational speeches and books but we forget to listen to ourselves.We have read and listened, but we have not read ourselves and let the advice come from the inside, let the encouragement come from the inside, let the hope come from within not from what you are been told.The encouragement we need is within y'all, stop looking for something external to motivate you, find something within. An advice to oneself is the best advice in the world,you can work with it, Live with it and actualize it as well. When there is a huge hunger for success inside of you, you don't wait for some one to pat your back and kiss you on the chick before you stand up and make it happen.
                                                                .IN CONCLUSION
If you are among these category of people, get up and listen to yourself. And you know, most of us has been become frustrated and have become tired of motivational speakers and books because it seems to be an impossibility but do not lose hope. Continue reading and listen to motivational speeches it's the best thing you can do to your self but let the inspiration come from the inside.      People that write and speak do not know your present situation, we just assume and generalize it, only you can understand your self better than any one would ever do, so chill and have cool and nice conversation with your self. Tell your self the truth, you want to be successful or NOT.OR you just want to live and pass away with no difference.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016


                     Image result for planning               
75% of us do not plan, we sit and wait for peoples plan and ideas to covers and we enjoy from them. Some wait for the government to provide jobs, create social securities,pension,child benefits,insurances, ect .There is nothing wrong looking up to your government to do what they are supposed to do.But how long you should you wait is the question you should ask your self.While another category of people wait on family, perhaps your family is rich kind of and we now rely on that. Another category of people build there future on what they are been told by friends,the world, religion etc, perhaps they have promised to take care.How long should you wait?.While some are neither warm nor cold nor hot, they are just there.
Most of us today are so indecisive, and i get it, i mean with so many negative things happen here and there, who plans in a frustrating condition right. What i am saying is that you should determine your future on your own,by yourself and for your self. You are the only architect of your future and except you sit down or sit up and plan for it step by step, nothing will happen.
Secondly, most people do not plan because of lack of hope and believe either in themselves or on life.Look,except you decide to take your life and stop living, you can not escape from the reality of life. While you sit down and do nothing remember you got to feed, you got family and friends to take care of,you got bills to take care of. So instead of sit down and worry if your plan would work out, get up and put your life together. Do not allow the issues of life to distract you, and make you derail from your purpose.its all gonna pass if you watch it critically and look for another alternative.Of course that is what is all about,planning is all about alternatives.If this didn't work, I got to try this other one.
                                   FIVE TIPS ON PLANNING
1).Always dissect your present situation and have a good understanding of it.

2).Make sure you always have another plan,an alternative

3).Do not compromise, or else you will be vulnerable to the enemy and exposed

4).Put all you have to make it work out

5). Make sure JESUS is your commander in Chief and Executive officer of your plan.

You ve got to plan, you have to be ready and be strategic at all time.What do we tell our families tomorrow if we fail to plan, what do we offer to them if we sit back and sleep. Remember we are going to have kids tomorrow, what shall we tell them. Some of us even have kids now,have we tried out all options to make them happy?.our indecisiveness will not put food on there table,  Let's have a rethink and go back to the drawing board and get things done the right way.

You simply can't eat your cake and have it. It's not Miracle, I mean people with no plan on how to succeed in life, can not just succeed, it's not possible. There is no magic to it, it's as simple as ABC, IF YOU FAIL TO PLAN, YOU PLAN TO FAIL, there is no better way to explain that statement than it is. Lazy people with no plan whatsoever always want magic or Miracle to happen within a twinkle of an eye, but it doesn't work that way, you can't cheat nature, nature has it that the amount of plan and preparation you put into something, determines the kind of result you cabbage in cabbage out.

So many that has succeed sat down and planned out there life,they read,they had sleepless nights and because they have put in there best,the best result was theirs. Every single thing in the world today started from an idea or from a plan,nothing came into existence without somebody thoroughly thinking it out,planning it out.We now enjoy the ideas and work of people today because some people wanted to make the world a better place.You also can contribute your own quota if you will sit up and plan on how to execute those beautiful ideas of yours.An idea is just as valueless as anything until it has been acted upon.Truly i say to you,many of us will die with our ideas someday because we have listened to what the world is saying,because we did not create the time to act upon those beautiful ideas.You might not know what is in there for you except you try,remove the mindset of failure.You wouldn't know your capacity and the strength you have got if you do not carry out that plan of yours.

Ideas are from God,its a gift from God to cause change in your life and in humanity as well.But the decision to work on those ideas is your sole choice and its your sign of appreciation to God too..If you do not work on them until you pass away then its a shame.GET UP TODAY AND START FROM SOMEWHERE...When you are prepared and have planned very well,you can not be beaten easily,even when you fall,you will rise and become stronger then you were.  
Image result for planning
Look at the image above critically and see if you can answer the questions effectively.If you can answer those questions correctly then you have planned well and prepared for the future.