I quickly want to share a short stories.There was a man whose a occupation was mining. So the man was a hard worker, of course anyone that indulges him or herself in mining must be a hard worker. So this young man have been struggling to get his dream future. He wanted result from his hard Labor. He has been consistent and persistent and even diligent in his pursuit for a better life and achieving his goal.
So on a very good day he was been led to a particular mining field.So he came with all necessary mining equipment's and his diligent spirit mindedness. So this young man started the journey to his future according to his goal. Because he has waiting for the day he will have a breakthrough and get a huge amount of gold or whatsoever mineral in there for him.
So this man dug and dug and dug and dug for got to weeks, from weeks it to months and from months it got to a year.So at the end of that year he became weary and disappointed at himself and what ever he stands for. He didn't have the will to continue because he isn't seeing any reward for his toiling. So the devil came through his friend and gave him the final discouragement he wants to hear.
So he finally stop mining in that particular field and unknowing to him that what he was looking for is just few meters away from where he stopped.
So the enemy of progress knowing fully well that the field was endowed with solid minerals, said to himself, why not try and see what comes out it. The friend dug for few meters and behold he got the almighty future his friend and have been tooling for all this while.
Now how do you think his friend that started the mining at the first place would feel,if he finds out that all he suffered for was to no avail because of lack of persistence, hope, courage. He would feel like committing suicide right?. Yeah everyone would feel like committing suicide truth be said. So what is the lesson learned in this story.
1.At the end of the tunnel there is always light 💡.
2.Never loss hope for a second
3.Just a step further can give you the breakthrough you desire.
4.Persist even if there is nothing to show for your persistence.
5.Mind the people you keep around you. Some have been kept to monitor your destiny. They have been positioned to destroy all blessings coming your way.
6.Though it tarries, it's shall surely come.
7.Do not allow the devil have his way.
8.What ever your hand findeth to do, do it with your whole being.
Every one would likely blame this man at this point. But look at yourself carefully, there are some things in our life we have lost hope or giving up on. We have made up our mind not to go back and continue since there is no result coming forth.
Look at the story of Joseph in the Bible carefully. He passed through ups and down. But he never gave up on what he believes. I know it's not by strength. Because the Bible says by strength shall no man prevail. All is by his grace and mercy.
Now take this with you. Proverbs 22:9.Do you see a man skilled in his work?. He shall stand in the presence of kings and princes. He will not stand among ordinary or mean men. That's the simple truth. Continue on that your endeavor, persist until you have no strength left to work. Until you see your dream never give up. Fight till you have option left.
The devil will do everything within its power in other to pull you down.And except you resist him with you your Undying spirit of making it in this life no matter what,he will snatch it from you.God has giving us everything to be able to resist the cunning way of the devil.Devil can be can be ones family member,or friends,or your pastor or any one that has a moral authority above you.Be careful.Do not faint.
The devil will do everything within its power in other to pull you down.And except you resist him with you your Undying spirit of making it in this life no matter what,he will snatch it from you.God has giving us everything to be able to resist the cunning way of the devil.Devil can be can be ones family member,or friends,or your pastor or any one that has a moral authority above you.Be careful.Do not faint.
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