These three words has brought me thus far,it has taught me so many things in life, it has helped me see life in a different way, it has made me become hopeful on my the actualization of my dream someday. To most people they are already words(adapt, improve, overcome) but to me, they have become a person to me, that I look on to. They have become my watchword, they have become a light to my feet. They are my best friends,they have become my sister and my kinsman, I hold them dearly. Yes I am talking about adapt, improvise and overcome, I love how they operate and react differently to different situations.They do not fail nor betrayed. They have become the best thing that has happened to me in a long while, when I discovered them, they where ordinary words until I added value to them, and then they became my driving force.
The word ADAPT, what does it mean, to me it means various things.1) ADAPT means suiting different conditions and situations 2)Drifting away from the original state to another state. 3)Changing Something or changing the use or function of something. These all mean the same thing, all point to one direction. Making something suitable for a new use or purpose, or trying to modify something to perform differently.Do we really see the meaning of this inside of us?. It doesn't matter if you know the definition of ADAPT, what matter is you define it within your self and hold and interpret it the way it suits you. When we read things in books,we see things online or are been told verbally, let's try as much as possible to redefine we are been told, try to chew and break it down, and then define it in your own terms.
LIFE teaches us series of lessons, it makes us pass through series of test, we pass through various temptations and trials, everybody has its own share of the pain life causes us,but one way we can pass through this test and come out Alive and successful is only to adapt to the this that come our way each day. I am not saying we should tolerate negative things in our lives but try to know that these things are bound to happen whether we like it or not, adapting is not worrying and trying to kill yourself. When you know that at the end of the tunnel there must be light then you should not worry. Adapting means that all things worketh together for the good of those that loves God.That whatever we see in life, we hold on and feel free knowing that though it tarries but it shall come to pass.When a particular problem persist in our lives, what more can we do, than to do our best and leave the rest to God all mighty.It doesn't mean laziness, it means I have to live like this till my greatness comes someday. Its been comfortable with yourself and whom you are.Most people refuse to acknowledge the fact that they are facing one thing or the other. Some Christians will say you should reject all negative, yes we should not tolerate them but knowing the problem and not worrying about it, is the issue here. Thats all on Adaptation for now, let's move on to the next person(improvise).
IMPROVISATION covers a lot of area and different sphere of life. Now there is a definition of improving i love so much and we are going to build on that. IMPROVISE :creating and performing spontaneously or without preparation.Secondly it is producing or make something from whatever is available these are according to what I saw on dictionary. And it's the best definition.So many of us would have passed the stage we are now if we improvised, so many of us would have failed if we improvised.We just put it all energy,money and time in one thing and when it fails it falls back on us and we return to square one. It's not done that way, we don't put all our eggs in one basket just in case the basket is not strong enough then our eggs will be lost forever.
Furthermore,let us always prepare for the unknown and uncertainties because they are bound to happen. Always be prepared for emergency so it doesn't take us unaware. There is nothing wrong in focusing on a particular thing but always have where to fall back on just in case it fails. Most of all improvising is creating opportunities where others do not see it,creating a platform in which you can explore, not waiting for chances and luck to come your way, make up chances, luck and opportunities on your own.Always be a good thinker and creator because we are the offspring of a creator, God has given us the power to dominate the world by creating and transforming the raw materials he gave us. Its now left to us to make our dreams reality by looking for any alternative strategy to get at the top.You must not create something that is not directed towards your dreams.Its all about maximizing the opportunities that is sitting right under our nose and refuse to see because it doesn't resemble what we are looking for. It must not it, but can be made to be it.Its said that necessity is the mother of invention because when you are hungry for success, you make big things out of nothing. Often great things starts from worthless things. Look back into your small world and maximize and explore all and everything your hands and eyes can see or touch.
These three words has brought me thus far,it has taught me so many things in life, it has helped me see life in a different way, it has made me become hopeful on my the actualization of my dream someday. To most people they are already words(adapt, improve, overcome) but to me, they have become a person to me, that I look on to. They have become my watchword, they have become a light to my feet. They are my best friends,they have become my sister and my kinsman, I hold them dearly. Yes I am talking about adapt, improvise and overcome, I love how they operate and react differently to different situations.They do not fail nor betrayed. They have become the best thing that has happened to me in a long while, when I discovered them, they where ordinary words until I added value to them, and then they became my driving force.
The word ADAPT, what does it mean, to me it means various things.1) ADAPT means suiting different conditions and situations 2)Drifting away from the original state to another state. 3)Changing Something or changing the use or function of something. These all mean the same thing, all point to one direction. Making something suitable for a new use or purpose, or trying to modify something to perform differently.Do we really see the meaning of this inside of us?. It doesn't matter if you know the definition of ADAPT, what matter is you define it within your self and hold and interpret it the way it suits you. When we read things in books,we see things online or are been told verbally, let's try as much as possible to redefine we are been told, try to chew and break it down, and then define it in your own terms.
LIFE teaches us series of lessons, it makes us pass through series of test, we pass through various temptations and trials, everybody has its own share of the pain life causes us,but one way we can pass through this test and come out Alive and successful is only to adapt to the this that come our way each day. I am not saying we should tolerate negative things in our lives but try to know that these things are bound to happen whether we like it or not, adapting is not worrying and trying to kill yourself. When you know that at the end of the tunnel there must be light then you should not worry. Adapting means that all things worketh together for the good of those that loves God.That whatever we see in life, we hold on and feel free knowing that though it tarries but it shall come to pass.When a particular problem persist in our lives, what more can we do, than to do our best and leave the rest to God all mighty.It doesn't mean laziness, it means I have to live like this till my greatness comes someday. Its been comfortable with yourself and whom you are.Most people refuse to acknowledge the fact that they are facing one thing or the other. Some Christians will say you should reject all negative, yes we should not tolerate them but knowing the problem and not worrying about it, is the issue here. Thats all on Adaptation for now, let's move on to the next person(improvise).
IMPROVISATION covers a lot of area and different sphere of life. Now there is a definition of improving i love so much and we are going to build on that. IMPROVISE :creating and performing spontaneously or without preparation.Secondly it is producing or make something from whatever is available these are according to what I saw on dictionary. And it's the best definition.So many of us would have passed the stage we are now if we improvised, so many of us would have failed if we improvised.We just put it all energy,money and time in one thing and when it fails it falls back on us and we return to square one. It's not done that way, we don't put all our eggs in one basket just in case the basket is not strong enough then our eggs will be lost forever.
Furthermore,let us always prepare for the unknown and uncertainties because they are bound to happen. Always be prepared for emergency so it doesn't take us unaware. There is nothing wrong in focusing on a particular thing but always have where to fall back on just in case it fails. Most of all improvising is creating opportunities where others do not see it,creating a platform in which you can explore, not waiting for chances and luck to come your way, make up chances, luck and opportunities on your own.Always be a good thinker and creator because we are the offspring of a creator, God has given us the power to dominate the world by creating and transforming the raw materials he gave us. Its now left to us to make our dreams reality by looking for any alternative strategy to get at the top.You must not create something that is not directed towards your dreams.Its all about maximizing the opportunities that is sitting right under our nose and refuse to see because it doesn't resemble what we are looking for. It must not it, but can be made to be it.Its said that necessity is the mother of invention because when you are hungry for success, you make big things out of nothing. Often great things starts from worthless things. Look back into your small world and maximize and explore all and everything your hands and eyes can see or touch.
In conclusion, OVERCOMING can be defined by anyone, every body knows what victory is, but how may have been victorious. Are you an over comer?.Now let us start by knowing what overcoming generally means. Its simply means defeating an opponent. The opponent can be anything you are passing through.The opponent can be fear, doubt, poverty, diseases,shame, rejection, anything negative is automatically an opponent to our survival. But you know overcoming can not be by our strength nor might.REV 12:11 says And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.So what is trying to say is you can only overcome the negativity of life through the blood of JESUS and by testifying and declaring it.JESUS is the only way to genuine and everlasting success.No matter how we struggle and labor without JESUS its vain.And there is no other way to the almighty GOD except the through the son.He has promised us security and we shall not suffer lose.psalm91:6,7,8…6Of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, Or of the destruction that lays waste at noon. 7A thousand may fall at your side And ten thousand at your right hand, But it shall not approach you.8You will only look on with your eyes And see the recompense of the wicked.…JESUS IS LORD FOREVER

....................ADAPT+IMPROVISE+ OVERCOME+JESUS=Full Victory
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